Have you complimented yourself today? Have you taken time to take care you? I hope so.
Do you know that you are the most important piece of the puzzle?
Without you, there is no job, there is no family and there is no driving to get where you need to be.
Many of us are so busy worrying about where we need to be, who we need to take care of or our deadline at work, that we forget the most important piece- SELF! As we hurry through our lives, many times we forget how valuable our mind and body is. Without the abilities we have been blessed with, we would be unable to do so many things for everything and everyone else, but many times we forget this.
We spend more time ignoring our body or cutting ourselves down. We mentally call ourselves ugly, wrinkled, fat, lazy, stupid, incapable…. but all is not true. We are the furthest from any of these things, yet we somehow find ways to abuse ourselves mentally and physically while taking time to make everyone else happy.
You have been uniquely and beautifully made with the ability to have feelings, make your own decisions, create change and to climb mountains. Incidences in your life may have caused you to forget these things, but they’re true. No matter what your formal education, your current fitness state or your current social status, you have the ability to achieve what you want. Sometimes it may be tough to figure out how to get started or how to overcome your current obstacles, but what’s important is to know YOU CAN DO IT!
Many times if we feel behind or lost, we give up versus looking for ways to take small steps in the direction we want to head. Know that with small steps and belief in yourself you can achieve more. You can feel better, think better and move better.
The biggest mistake many of us make is comparing ourselves to others or focusing too much on where we wish we were at versus the little steps we need to take to get to there. For example, if you have 100lbs to lose, you can’t focus on the 100lbs or your goal weight without getting frustrated and wanting to give up. 100lbs seems like such a LONG way away! Instead, you have to focus on the behaviors needed to achieve the 100 pound weight loss. Think about it, if you want to graduate high school or college, you can’t just think about the degree, you have to attend courses, study, take tests and put in the time. This is the same when trying to lose weight. You must think of the steps needed to achieve 100 pound weight loss degree. Study, put in the time and make the extra effort to ValueSelf. It takes 13 years to graduate high school and many of us achieve this. If you dedicate just one to two years to taking care of you, you can lose that 100 pounds focusing on five pounds at a time and the habits needed to achieve that loss.
This is the same with trying to achieve a business goal. You cannot just focus on where you want to be and get stressed that you are not there yet. You have to think about what you may have to do to get you there and most of all you have to know that you CAN do it. Many of us get side tracked when working towards our goals or hung up on some of the judgment and pressures of society.
Now is your time to know that YOU can do what you want to do and YOU can achieve your goals beginning TODAY!
Do not wait until 2012! Start investing in yourself today, mentally, physically and emotionally.
If you take time to fuel your body, compliment your mind and to rest your soul, you will start to function better for yourself and everyone around you. You will be able to think clearly about how you want to feel, think, act and look and you will take the steps to seek solutions to your obstacles.
Never say “I Can’t” again! Replace that statement with the words, “I have not learned how to yet.” Because you my friend are just as valuable as the next and you have ALL the capabilities to fully live your life if you are willing to take the steps to get there.
The most important thing is to enjoy the journey. You are only guaranteed this present moment. So no matter where you want to be or where you are headed, do not rush it and do not get stressed about not being there yet. Do what you can do and be thankful for what you DO have. Enjoy the ups and the downs. Every time there is a down, know there is a light at the end of the tunnel if you continue to persevere.
Above all, don’t keep putting yourself last. You were put on this Earth as a gift and you deserve to be treated like a special gift. You should be the first to value that gift. The more you ValueSelf, the more others will value you. Not only will they value you, but they will be thankful for the whole person you are giving to them. A mom, a husband, a wife, a dad, a child who values their self, can give true energy and love to those around them.
Remember, although you have lots to get done and lots to accomplish, you cannot give what you don’t have. Learn to have compassion, love, energy and time for self and you will be able to authentically give all of those things to everyone else in your life.
Kimberly Copher says
Hi kimberly, I was in your class saturday and really enjoyed it! I heard several teachers mention that yours was the most informative class of the day! Just a quick question… when will you anounce the winner for the drawing of your 12 week class? I’m hoping it’s me! LOL!! Thanks ahead of time for your response! Kimberly Copher
Jeani Derrough says
Beautifully written ! This is a time when so many of us need to hear this from someone like you!