Welcome to my online home. It is here that I want to share with you a glimpse of my personal journey and the path I have taken to live my fullest life.
My goal is to guide individuals who are striving to achieve their best, but feel as if they are still falling short. To inspire those who may feel as if they have been cheated of their quality of life, though they have been committed to following the common recommended paths to success.
As an only child, who comes from a broken home, sprinkled with sickness, fear and self doubt, I have come a long way in learning how to find my TRUE WEALTH and I desire to help other individuals feel the personal peace, joy and energy that comes from this designation.
Born a gifted child, full of drive, independence and desire, I came in to this world ready to support others in achieving their dreams. Often though, a gift improperly channeled can become a hindrance. In the midst of helping others, I forgot the importance of attending to my own personal well being, self esteem and success. I spent so much time worrying about my mom, my friends and my perceived enemies, that I forgot my own personal value. The times I did attempt to improve myself were subconsciously motivated by a spirit of unworthiness, fruitless attempts to change the perceptions of others and to please the ever-fickle expectations of society. This method worked for quite some time. By the age of 23, I had achieved a lean and fit physique, had moved up the ranks in the corporate world and was a married home owner. I was the very image of modern day success – except I was truly at my absolute worst.
By outward appearances, I looked phenomenal. Inwardly, I was broke – mentally, spiritually, and physically. I was attending school to become a registered dietitian. I had already achieved 3 national certifications in personal training and was soon awarded the top 1% in managers at a large financial corporation, but my “success” was killing me. Diagnosed with infertility, irritable bowel syndrome, premature ovarian failure, melasma and underlying depression (which I hid extremely well), what I thought was healthy for my body, what I thought was the path to achieving true wealth, was actually the trail to accelerated aging and becoming spiritually bankrupt. What was the point in all of this so called success if I was ill internally and felt as if my intrinsic value in the world was not enough?
Prompted by the emptiness of a bankrupt soul, I began to find my way out. I discovered leaders from around the world who had answers to my confused nutritional choices, my faulty exercise programming and personal health concerns. I embraced the process of becoming re-educated, which helped me unknowingly reverse my infertility, my ovarian issues and chronic digestive pain. I was able to create a beautiful baby girl, whom I named Faith due to the nature of her creation. Within the year of her birth, I made the tough decision to leave my husband that I loved (but who was no longer good for my soul) and then almost simultaneously, I was forced into a major career change through a company decision to outsource our work. What would be considered devastating life change by many, ended up being valuable adjustments to my journey. By letting go of what was no longer serving me, I gained the life I was intended to live.
A few short years later, I met a great man, who would become my partner in business and in life. As we worked together to create a place of inspiration and wellness for others, we also created another beautiful life, our daughter Kaitlyn. In 2008, we opened our own performance center, which was a time of excitement, fear, love and self-doubt. The work it took to open our own business, in the worst economy we’d had in years (while raising two young girls and attempting to remember ourselves in the process), was more than we ever imagined. It was not long after, I began to feel sick all the time, experiencing swollen glands, heart issues, cyclical fatigue, exhaustion, nerve pain, exercise intolerance and insomnia. Vague and sometimes debilitating, these symptoms were diagnosed as Chronic Epstein- Barr Virus/ Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. How could this happen? How could the person who was diligently working to eat well, live well, be well, still become so sick? What was I doing wrong? With a family full of great genetics, having youth on my side and an overall fit body, I could not stop seeking answers. I could not give into a diagnosis that causes many individuals a lifetime of disability.
My seeking led to the importance of cell biology and how to create an environment that promotes cell renewal versus cell death and mutation. Through extensive study, internships and hours of personal application, I discovered how to create homeostasis within my mind, body and soul. I began a renewal process from within and completely altered my internal and external health. I began to feel the TRUE WEALTH that is available to all of us!
I am now grateful to say I am free of any diagnosis. My health is the greatest it has ever been. My family is free of pain, medications and disease. My clients near and afar have overcome great mental, physical, and spiritual obstacles. The success stories of healing are abundant and my personal spirit has the opportunity to experience what TRUE WEALTH actually feels like.
My goal has always been to be a teacher, a giver, a leader – a healer – but you cannot truly give what you do not have. I have taken this time to authentically create TRUE WEALTH for myself. Now, my innate nature, personal gifts and life education allow me to help YOU experience the life you were truly destined to live.
Professional Bio
- Founder of Garcia Institute of Modern Excellence
- Founder of the Wholota Wellness Co.
- Creator of the CCRT™ Restorative Health Coaching
- AminoNeuroFrequency Instructor
- Certified Level 7 ANF
- Certified Level 3 NKT®
- Psych-K Certified
- ACIM Integrative Medicine Fellowship
- SportsFreqs Performance & Recovery Instructor
- C.H.E.K. Practitioner Level 2 (Kinesiologist)
- C.H.E.K. Holistic Lifestyle Coach
- Egoscue Posture Alignment Specialist
- Level 1 Certified Functional Movement Systems (FMS) Professional
- Certified IFPA Master Personal Trainer
- Certified ACE Personal Trainer
- Certified ACE Health Coach
- Certified Sports Nutrition
- Certified AEA Aquatic Fitness Professional