In recent years, our team has learned so much professionally and personally about the importance of food. Learning through mistakes, illness and success, we have become very passionate about sharing a message of truth. What’s tough, is sometimes a message of truth may seem a little overboard or outside of the norm.
I remember the first time I met a gentleman Paul Chek at an ECA Fitness conference in Miami. He is the creator of the CHEK Institute and by far one of the best health practitioners in the WORLD! In 2005, I attended a brief nutrition lecture with him and was totally blown away! I knew everything he said was the absolute truth, but it seemed so out of my reach that I was unable to wrap my head around the changes he was recommending. Information such as switching my meat to organic, throwing out my microwave and going back to eating REAL food! I valued what he said, but it seemed as if I would have to move to a remote island somewhere to make the changes truly come to life. An island where there was no temptation, no kids screaming for what they want and free food from the land.
I was already eating “HEALTHY” based on what mainstream society was telling me, but I realized I was still having issues such as gas, constipation, fatigue, depression and cellulite. As I moved forward with clients and coaching them with lifestyle changes, I started to see many trends with health symptoms relating directly to how someone was eating. I started to see those who ate too little had hypothyroid, heart palpitations and extremely low pulse rates, others who followed popular weight loss programs for several years had Fibromyalgia, depression and symptoms of MS and those who cut out whole food groups experienced digestive disorders, skin issues and diseases such as Hashimoto’s Disease.
Prior to receiving extensive training and experience in this area, I used to just focus on Calories, Fat, Protein, Carbs and Fiber. I thought if I hit my calorie goal, I was healthy! NOT! That was the furthest from the truth. I found that this method of achieving weight loss was very generic and actually created sick, skinny and fat bodies, not healthy, vibrant bodies!
Food, or the replacement of food, has the most POWER when it comes to how you look, think, act, feel and age! When we train clients we are very passionate about sharing this truth with them, because we know what they do when they leave our facility is more critical than what they do when they are with us. If we train someone at a high intensity, but they go home and either skip meals, eat microwaved meals or often drink protein shakes, we know (based on trends & education) most will be creating a chronic illness for themselves. Training programs which advise you to eat very strict amounts of calories, omitting whole food groups such as fat, meat or carbs, will eventually (or immediately) lead to serious issues. When someone hires us, they typically have a goal of weight loss, pain relief, more energy and a tight body! We know if they crash diet or eat all “fake” food, they may achieve these goals very short-term, but not long after, the injuries will increase, healing time will take much longer and/or chronic diseases such as autoimmune dysfunction or Cancer will arise. There is just no way around it!
Metabolism is all chemical reactions happening in a living organism to maintain life. Calories are units of energy required to help the chemical reactions take place. Whole food calories are the only ones which have true nutrients to spark these reactions in a way which creates life versus stress in the body.
Our goal is to help people achieve the goals they truly want:
Energy, Health, Tight Bodies, Strength, Better Skin, LIFE
Weight loss does not guarantee any of these things which is why we never advise crap food, surgeries or crap meal replacements as a way to achieve the body you want.
If you are experiencing gas, bloating, anxiety, mood swings, depression, autoimmune dysfunction, poor healing, infertility, impotency, loss of libido, symptoms of MS, Melasma, muscle wasting, increased injuries- YOU ARE NOT DOING SOMETHING RIGHT!
A health plan should make you feel healthier!
It took me some time to realize Paul Chek was definitely not crazy or going overboard when he shared his passion for better health. What he was doing was trying to save lives and prevent unnecessary health problems being created by common “health” practices. He was the expert and had already been there, done that. I chose to learn by his mistakes and start applying versus fighting the advice. Our entire staff has worked over the past few years to make small changes and it is amazing to see how far we have come mentally, physically and emotionally. It’s always a work in progress, but I am here to tell you THAT YOU CAN DO IT! You can have what you want to have without deprivation, sickness, high food bills and strict diets.
If you need help taking your health to the next level, please email me at .
If you want to get started on your own, your best investment right now would be our new Tour of the Store GIME Guide!
This is quick fix allows for you to make easy changes TOMORROW!
Save Your Time, Money and Health! Know that your diagnosis does not have to be permanent! More than 2/3rd’s of our current health problems can be completely managed/eliminated through small, simple changes! We hope you will understand our passion and we hope to add more Quality of Life to your years!
*Photo from
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