I am so excited to start blogging again. I have never been much of a blogger, but I definitely have a lot to share and I guess this is a better format than Facebook. With so much negative news in the media and self doubt we have as people, it’s hard to maintain focus at times. As I continue to grow as an individual, a mentor and a business owner, I’d love to share my strengths, weaknesses and tips of success with each of you. My main goal is to Value Self and to help others do the same.
In the past two years, our team has launched and been part of several initiatives to help improve the self esteem and health of every individual. Many people tell us we are taking on too much or focused in too many directions and yes, in some aspects I agree with them, but in other aspects, this is what I feel I have been called to do. Everything we launch ties into our main goal- motivating people to Value Self.
Mass media has taught us to doubt ourselves, abuse ourselves and to feel lesser than the next. But what is true, is each of us was perfectly and uniquely made. How can we compare ourselves to someone else or feel less than the next person if we are each uniquely made not one person being exactly alike? We can’t compare ourselves and should NOT. We have to live our own personal journey and know that it is ok for us to have different beliefs, different levels of education and a different economic status.
Although we have each been perfectly made, we as a people are destroying the beauty of our species through habits such as crappy thoughts, crappy food and high stress. Our lack of Value for our own bodies, holds us back from achieving our personal, professional and spiritual goals. As many of you know, GIME Fitness helps lots of people with weight loss, pain relief and athletic performance. We know a lot of technical data and a lot of numbers to help people achieve efficient results, but what I have learned over the last 18 years of motivating myself and others, NONE of the science matters if you do not Value Self. If you have no confidence or trust in yourself, you will never become what you were truly created to be.
I, like many of you, have been abused mentally, emotionally, physically and sexually. I could look back on life and dwell on every mishap, mistake and mean thing people have done to me and I could use this as an excuse to give up or feel defeated. Nothing in my life has happened through pure luck. What has happened, is I was born to a mother who no matter how poorly she was treated or how unappreciated she was, she never grew weary. She always worked hard to do nice things for others and for me. Even when she did not have much to give, she still gave love. She has taught me to not grow weary. So even though I have a tough job of keeping myself, my staff, my family and my clients motivated to Value Self, I will not grow weary.
I work hard everyday to make my mother proud and to take care of others the way she takes care of me.
I hope that each of you will not grow weary. Do not grow weary in taking care of yourself. Do not grow weary in showing others they matter to you. Do not grow weary in showing complete strangers love and compassion. If we keep moving forward and we always look for ways to value ourselves, the world around us will continue to bring us good things. It won’t always be easy. There will be some obstacles, set backs and a little self doubt, but if we trust that each bump is a part of our journey, we will persevere and leave a valuable legacy to those around us.
GIME KIMMIE, is here to help you bounce back from those setbacks and to share incredible insight to help you Value Self! I hope you will follow my blog in future weeks, support our outreach efforts and be part of helping make each person the best they can be.
I would love to hear from you. Please share your comments below as to how you are working to Value Self or who inspires you to keep pushing forward.
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