As most of you know, much of the current population is failing when it comes to achieving an ideal weight and good health.
After 19 years of motivating myself and others to live well, I have learned there is one large factor as to why so many are not meeting or sustaining their goals.
When it comes to health and weight loss, as a majority we expect it to be instant, fast, easy to learn, quickly achievable with no obstacles, setbacks, just results! And if there are any setbacks, falters, delays etc. WE GIVE UP ! We give up for a day, a week, a year. This is where most of us are going wrong.
We have to remember…. only coffee is instant!
When I was 18, I learned soda had more calories than water and if I just substituted water for soda I could drop weight and feel better. Within one week of drinking water and less soda, I dropped 6lbs! I then learned alcohol caused my body to store approximately 30% more of my food as body fat. It’s at that point I decided I’d rather eat a chocolate cake than drink my calories. At least chocolate cake burned off, didn’t make me store more fat or trash my brain cells. I took these pieces of knowledge and put them in my toolbox. I applied them to my daily life and then started to learn more.
Through my journey with health, I have made several mistakes, experienced setbacks, children, career changes, death, sickness etc. through all of this, I could not throw all of my knowledge out the window. In the beginning, I started off highly obsessed, giving myself little room to falter. After a few years of obsessing over every calorie, annoying people with my obsessive eating behaviors and negative self talk, I realized this was no way to live. I also realized we were never designed to live perfect, but to live consistent, balanced and seeking wisdom. To live with the drive to improve our current self.
As with anything worth having in life, you have to work for it. You have to learn from mistakes, apply your knowledge and be flexible.
We have been brainwashed to think weight loss, pain relief and good health should just happen when we decide we’re ready to make a change. We assume because we have been told to exercise more, eat less or eat mini meals throughout the day, that as soon as we start doing it, our body should respond. This is like registering for college and expecting to have a degree within four weeks. It just doesn’t work that way. The human body, just as your marriage, your education and your career, needs nurturing, flexibility and consistency. With time, education and application of your knowledge, YOU WILL SEE RESULTS!!! Just as someone slowly sees negative results with consistent dieting, poor eating habits and lack of movement, you will see slow, consistent results with continued application of better eating habits, exercise and a positive attitude. It’s the Law of Cause and Effect! It has to happen, but it does not have to happen instantly.
If you are educated properly, you commit to learning and commit to applying, you will have all the knowledge needed to sustain a healthy, fit body for the majority of your life. You can not give up! You have to invest the time, energy and money to achieve a better you. You have to find solutions to your obstacles and you have to make yourself WORTH it! Are you not worth more than your career or your marriage? Without you, the career and the marriage can not exist. Without the WHOLE, HEALTHY you, the marriage and the career will never be as successful as they could be!
If you are ready to receive your pain-free, lean, fit body, it’s time to start learning! It’s time to put in the time. You can not drop out a couple semesters or cheat on a few tests and truly expect results. Dedicate the same time you have to your career, your family, your relationships…. be flexible, apply your daily knowledge and learn from your mistakes. Don’t keep repeating them over and over again expecting a different result. If you are failing in a certain area, study harder and learn how to make it happen!!
You are worth it. Your body is worth the time!
Know that your body is made up of more than 100 trillion cells. These cells take time to transform. They require good, whole food, healthy balance and consistency to renew. It’s really not about the calories, the short-term commitment or the scale. It’s truly about your willingness to value yourself and to apply what you learn daily.
Take time to brew the coffee. Take time to make the changes needed in your life.
You are worth it!
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