I can remember when these were the aisles I shopped in to obtain “health”. Boy did I lose a lot of money.
And The Sun Rises Again!
It shines daily to help us live, to give us light and to keep us warm. Yet, it’s often ignored, feared, under appreciated and misunderstood. Never doubt your greatness. Everything and everyone with great value has been doubted and somewhat misunderstood since the beginning of time. Shine today as the sun always does and no […]
Be The Star You Are
Ditch the Kale
Another victim of excessive Kale ditches the veggie this week at GIME! Just because someone tells you something is healthy, does not mean it actually is, or that it is healthy for you specifically! Chronic joint pain, fatigue, nerve pain, numbness, hair loss and more! Could your healthy diet be wasting your money and harming […]
Are You Vitamin B6 Deficient?
Did you know one of the most common vitamin deficiencies in young athletes, avid exercisers and work addicts is, a vitamin B6 deficiency? Are you experiencing: Anxiety, irrational mood swings or thoughts, depression, peripheral neuropathy, insomnia, weakness, fatigue, nausea, skin issues, carpal tunnel or insomnia? You may need to eat more, reduce your bread intake, […]
Strive to Keep Valuable Relationships
Many individuals will work harder to save an unhealthy relationship of abuse, disrespect and/or dishonesty, than they will to save a relationship that is intended with love, care and open conversation. Letting go of valuable relationships, because of a misunderstanding or disagreement, creates a life time of struggle that seemed to be fate, but was […]